The Universe of Miss Universe - Are their feet beautiful?

We don't find the Miss Universe content very interesting, at least not anymore. For too many years it seems to be more a contest of political favorites like Eurovision. And let's face it, many of them are actually not even natural but "reconstructed" women. Nothing like natural beauty.

Miss Universe 2014 - Colombia
The Miss Universe contest has never had a "foot" evaluation where you can see the feet of the misses, that also says a lot. I remember many years ago I was watching a TV program about the most attractive girl/guy (it was for both). At some point there was a bit of a tie with the female contestants and I loved it when the female presenter asked the female contestant "can you show me your feet?" and she did. For people like us if the feet/foot are/is not pretty, then the rest becomes less appealing. Not to totally desvirtue it but, I am sure I never wanted to be in bed with ugly feet nearby, much less touching me LOL.
Miss Universe 2014's feet

Yes, many people wonder how this was actually allowed by the photographer of the Miss Universe. Her right foot is beautiful like the rest of her but what jumped to many people's eyes was her left foot -and why it was allowed to make it so obvious-. The controversy here is whether the pinky toe of her left foot is partially cut because it appears to NOT have a nail!

Or it could be the toe is so curled that the nail cannot be seen. In any case her left foot is not very appealing and is in fact very different from her right foot. For example, look at how the tips of several toes are curved down whereas their counterparts on the right foot are "normal".

Yes, sad that the new Miss Universe Mrs. Vega hasn't got a pair of beautiful feet, just one. So we leave you with Miss Universe's feet until next post!


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