Pick sandals with the right size for your feet

 Spring is coming and feet all over the northern hemisphere are fighting to get out and experience some fresh air (feels nice in the feet, doesn't it?) and many (I hope) are already doing their best to get those feet in a sightly condition. Don't even dare to wear sandals without a proper pedicure of some kind! In this case colorful sandals provide a good contrast for light-skinned feet (feet that are too white are almost unsightly) and if you have a darker tone of skin, we recommend sandals with light colors, after all one of the purposes of wearing sandals is to let the world know that your feet are bare, the other being of course to be comfortable and fresh!

But this time let us post a bit about sandals. Women in particular  love to wear shoes that are a size or two smaller than their correct size. While this may be an ego booster to make you believe you have smaller feet, the reality is that it does not look as good as you think!

For example, those pretty sandals in the picture above have just about the right size. I write just about because if you notice where the heel ends, it is almost at the edge of the insole of the sandal. This looks almost right but the reality is that this edge -especially as feet get a bit swollen in the course of the day- is creating a bit of stress on the heel skin and in the long term it may lead to a painful callous or thicker skin.

Small sandals also fail to look good because the toes tend to spring out of the front part. When we look at them it seems as if they are screaming "watch out! we are coming off! oh no!". While there is nothing more unsightly than ugly feet or feet that have not been loved, the sight of toes partially coming off the front edge of a sandal is just a fashion crime!

Another mistake made by many women is wearing sandals that are a bit smaller in other aspects. For example, if your foot is overflowing a bit on the sides of the sandals, perhaps stressing the side straps, then you are wearing small sandals!

Do not forget that when it seems just about the right size but the contour of your toes is such that it does not matches the contour of the front of the sandals. In this situation some toes may be inside but others may be overflowing out of the insole. That is the reason why the so called Egyptian Foot is just about the most beautiful and most practical foot shape because most shoes are made for this type of foot.

And now that you have read our saying in this matter, get those feet pimped up for coming out of the closed shoes and make sure you wear sandals that have the right size! who cares if it is one size bigger, or size 10 or whatever, what is truly important is that the feet sit comfortably in them, inside of course!

Regarding the nice picture, is it not nice to see beautiful bare feet being showcased in beautiful sandals? It does not matter if you are a male or a female, a foot needs tender loving care and if you plan on wearing sandals this Spring or Summer, make sure they look good! Planning on any foot decoration perhaps?


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