Brief Annotations on Foot Anatomy

Before we can begin touching (pun intended) the potential external beauty of some feet, let us briefly explore the anatomy of the foot.

Anatomy of the foot

There are 26 bones in the foot and while the layout is standard :) their actual position within each individual dictates in part whether that foot is probably going to look beautiful (depending on exterior factors) or is an eye sore. The foot is divided in three parts: forefoot, mid-foot and the hind foot.

For example, in the forefoot the positional arrangement of the distal and proximal phalanges more or less dictate how beautiful those toes can be. Crooked, deformed, normal, camel toes, straight toes, etc. Some other day we will cover types of toes in this blog but not now.

The metatarsals determine whether the foot is delicate and narrow, normal or wide (not very appealing). Personally I like narrow feet, but not too narrow else just plain normal.

In the mid-foot we have the cuneiform, navicular and cuboid bones. These are the bones of the foot arch and we all know a good arch can make a foot look very sensual. The lack of an arch or flat foot well, more or less spoils any foot (although some may like it). I am in favor of nice arches.

Last but not least we have the hind-foot with the calcaneous and and the talus that supports both the tibia an fibula thus making the ankle. Ankles can be very sensual as well, especially when decorated with anklets. I can say -over many years of careful observation- that anatomically speaking most heels are okay. They only not look nice when the protrude backwards which is not very common.

Beautiful foot soles, they look so creamy and soft

Upon birth that fantastic composition of bones that make up the anatomy of the foot are covered with muscles, tendons and lastly skin. So, even though the bones predispose the feet for beauty or normality it is the outside of them -the exterior- that pretty much puts the icing on the cake that many of us enjoy to feel and observe.

While there are few instances in which the birth configuration of foot bones is changed we can say that you may have a pretty bone composition but if you make use of bad shoeware and high heels (females) you may end up disfiguring your original configuration and end up with bunions and other eye sores.


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