Spring is coming, Prepare your feet and sandals!

If you live in the tropics foot spotting and sandal wearing season is all year round but if you live on the northern latitudes you will certainly not wear sandals outside -at the warmth of home only-. Spring kind of nearby so why not getting those sandals ready for some action?

Needless to say for all of you on the northern latitudes, your poor feet have been enclosed for so long that they may not look their best and probably look dry. So, use this pre-season to get those peds up to the Summer Challenge! cream them, do whatever you need but that will be the subject of yet another article.

Some people don't like sandals, some because they have ugly feet (sorry!) and prefer to keep them out of sight, others because the perceive all bare feet as evil and ugly -mostly without reason or perhaps just plain envy-

Other people -like me- just love sandals, love to see them (on nice feet) and love to wear them whenever I can. I have been reading some articles saying wearing flips flops and sandals is bad for your feet but I only agree to that if you wear the wrong type of sandals for your feet. Personally I have worn sandals on a very regular basis for many years and my feet still look in top condition and have certainly not exhibited any (ANY) of the problems those articles claim you would get by regularly wearing sandals. So go ahead, use them, shop for them, enjoy them! Let's face it, when you get old if you didn't care for your feet not even your grandchildren will tolerate the sight LOL.

The Flip Flop

I remember seeing everyone wearing flip flops except me, I was seriously foot shy -and as I came to learn, without any reason for it- but the day came I went to the shop and bought myself my first pair ever (in my early adult life) of flip flops. Needless to say I felt a bit self conscious at first but then I was hooked! walking on them was like heaven.
Flip flop by Teva (Mush)

I must say over the year I have worn many sandals for different purposes and Teva is definitely one of my favourites! Wearing this sandals is almost like having a hand under your feet, they are just great for any purpose. Although they have two Mush styles, they are basically the same. You can have them with different strap colors just not with different sole (Black can be pretty harsh on the tropics). The material used in the foot bed of the Mush is fantastic, it feels great, very comfortable (that bouncy feeling) and provides good griping. The sole is very resistant, mine have lasted for years and have been used for short and long walks without any problem or discomfort.

Now, a flip flop (such as the Mush above) is one of the most revealing sandals -except for those with minimalist straps- so if you got pretty feet (7 to 10 points) all the best, especially if you add a toe ring.

Sport / Casual - Teva Universal

Then there are the sports and casual sandals and again Teva has a great variety to fit any taste.
Casual - Teva Universal

I can personally attest that Teva Sandals last for years, the problem is the price is a bit steep for a casual sandal ($70) but I guess if you use them for 5 years the investment is reasonable. Though nice to see them on sale.

Although I do not own this model, I have a pair with the same strap configuration. The front straps get your toes a good grip on the sandals, they are not too up front so as to create discomfort on the "cleavage" of your toes and because of their position following more or less the form of the forefoot, they are a pretty way to show off your toes or feel them free.

The outer part has another strap that ties to the rear creating some extra support for your foot. Even better is the "universal" configuration of the rear part with the nice adjustable strap around the heel so that your sandals don't keep slipping off. This is enhanced even more by the magic plastic triangle that connects the three straps. By being a triangle it allows the strap around the foreside of your ankle to follow the form of your foot, it is even adjustable as well so it does not matter if you have thich ankles, high arches, it is a universal fit.

This model in particular has a nice foot bed which unlike sporty models like the Terra Fi are more worry free and the material looks softer as well. Great sandals.

Casual - Teva Original

And last but not least I decided to give a little heads up to yet another model from Teva, the Teva Original sandal which as the name says, was one of the original models of the brand that have been brought back to life.
Teva Original Sandal

These are very beautiful, not to mention those legs and a pretty pair of feet (I give them an 8). This model brought back to life is a combination of a flip flop with the Universal. The forefoot gets a good grip with the flip flop type of straps which also superbly follow the natural curve of your forefoot.

The original flip flop (like the Mush) is thus improved with the cute looking ankle straps. Two vertical straps to hold the ankle strap and provide some lateral support and the usual ankle strap. They sit kind of low so that you can still show off an anklet, great when complimented with a toe ring and need I say more?

The only possible drawback of this model is that the rear ankle strap is the only adjustable strap but without much room to play. So if your ankles tend to be on the thick side you might be out of luck with this model. Also, the fore ankle strap may sit a bit tight for people with high arches. Like all Teva sandals, they are available for both sandal loving men and women.

By the way I do not work for Teva nor do I receive commission of any kind, much less getting paid for this blog post. I hope you all enjoyed reading it and enjoy this Spring (or the whole year in the tropics) with a nice, comfortable pair of sandals. I feel every person must have at least two pairs of sandals other than those used only at home.


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