Tattoos on Feet, Should You?

Okay, I am not in the habit of denigrating anybody, especially if there is little or none that person can do about it (for example, having ugly feet) so I will spare you of the unsightly :).

We all know there are quite some beautiful feet out and about, poor of those that live in template countries for they can only enjoy the sight of pretty feet during the summer. In the (sub) tropics however, such sight can be enjoyed all year round!

So, let us begin this post with the sight of a pretty beautiful female foot, it is almost the epitome of perfection: narrow, delicate, regular sized toes, well cared nails, well cared skin and toenails with a very nice shape (I will dedicate a post to toenails in the future).

An absolutely beautiful foot, a 10
When you see a foot like that you are in awe, it does not matter if it is surrounded by other feet in uptown shoes, this is beautiful all by itself in its bare form. Obviously it would also look great on a sandal -as revealing as possible for this kind of feet-

Now if there is something that is good is variety and uniqueness not necessarily conformance. Therefore some people go out and about showing off their feet (whether they are pretty or not) in sandals, bare foot sandals -for sensual occasions-, anklets, toe rings and then there is (screeching sound...) tattoos on feet!

Nice feet ruined degraded with a  tattoo

That's right, a tattoo on a foot (or feet)! We all know that some (not all!) tattoos may look nice in the beginning but after some time the ink starts to naturally fade or spread and end up like a smudgy tattoo. Smudgy tattoos are just plain ugly, unsightly! Let alone the fact that as the person gets older the tattoo gets deformed. It can get so ugly you wouldn't want to show that part bare anymore!

For example the tattoo on the feet above are kind of nice, the two butterflies but right there you can compare with and without. To each his/her own but in my humble opinion would you ruin an otherwise pretty (or beautiful) feet (like those) with a tattoo? I am pretty sure that butterfly will not look as sharp in a few years. Personally I discount one point for the presence of a tattoo.

Beautiful foot ruined completely by a tattoo

Some like to go a mile further and so did the young woman that owns that otherwise beautiful foot (8 without tattoo). Her whole ankle and foot, even the first phalanges of her toes are covered with a tattoo which I truly hope was Henna (disappears after a while). This foot is nicely presented on the table but unfortunately rather than helping, that tattoo has ruined the presentation of that extremity.

So to all of you that have pretty feet (or foot) and are considering "enhancing" it with a tattoo, please DON'T !!! Well, of course, the important thing is that YOU like it but think of it, how is it going to look a few years down the road? Do you want to find yourself hiding your feet in socks or shoes for the rest of your life because of an unsightly tattoo on your ped(s)? And let's face it, by getting a tattoo you are also exposing your body to dangerous infections and poisoning!.


  1. Found a link to this blog somewhere on the net. The articles so far seem interesting and cheeky! To stay on the topic, some time ago I was considering tattooing my foot but desisted, now I am glad I didn't! Groetjes!


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